Tuesday, October 06, 2015

It's Settled. I am the only sane person left. Mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha


pdwalker said...

Wow, just...wow.

Anonymous said...

She must be mentally ill. After all, she believes in talking snakes, virgin births, walking on water, zombies (although that one did take three days to come back to life) and the like. No question she should be institutionalized. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Once again I am proud my ancestors had the vision to leave Scandinavia.

bocopro said...

Somebody's been loadin her incenser with hash.

Anonymous said...

Well, Swede's (and Scandinavian's in general) might be incredibly socially liberal, but do you know what they aren't? Accommodating for Muslims. This will go over like a lead balloon. We should just be celebrating this. This is one step closer to Scandinavian's being fed up with this garbage.


Kaptain Krude said...

Anonymous said, "She must be mentally ill. After all, she believes in talking snakes, virgin births, walking on water, zombies (although that one did take three days to come back to life) and the like. No question she should be institutionalized. ;-) "

Yes, it is much more rational to believe in nothing, then something happened for no reason, which then exploded into everything. That's *much* more rational! Obviously, we who believe in that must be the smartest of the smart!!!!

/Now where's my "sarcasm off" button?

pdwalker said...

Yes, it is much more rational to believe in nothing...

Absolutely! You just have to have a little faith.

...wait, wut?

Anonymous said...

1. "It's Settled. I am the only sane person left..." -- TRKOF
2. "The difference between me and a madman is I am not mad." - S. Dali
3. "Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change." -- Anon.
4. "I am not part of the problem. I am a Democrat." -- Vice President Al Gore

---General Petty Officer Fifth Class Skyhawker Doug

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